Your digital
design agency
Isimuku MM & RatGraphics – The two creative and mercurial gemini in design, with a track record of ‘telling design stories’ for over three decades, taking the best out of a big communication agency – making it smaller, and simpler with loads of passion.
This is the future. Small, flexible, easy-going communication experts, who do their best to make your business shine, without the red tape of large agencies.
Pambili – Forward!

Interior Design
Corporate Logo & ID
Corporate identity is how your business presents itself to the outside world. Although internal culture and values are integral to shaping company identity, the corporate identity definition applies to a company’s visual assets and brand design.
Corporate Stationary
Every bit of paper used for communicating with associates and customers is considered business stationery. That means custom letterhead, envelopes, compliment slips, invoices, business cards, shipping labels, brochures, calendars, and presentation folders.
Brochures & Catalogues
A company brochure is a print or digital publication. An organized way to share information, highlight a company’s benefits, products and
The latter is a complete, usually alphabetical list of items, often with notes giving details and may include pricing.
Annual Reports
An annual report is a comprehensive report detailing a company’s activities throughout the preceding year. Its purpose is to provide users, such as shareholders or potential investors, with information about the company’s operations and financial performance.
Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of designing, evaluating, and producing packages.
Photography & Food Styling
Food styling is a culinary profession where the work of the professional is to prepare food for photography, video or film. Food stylists do not actually photograph food. they are responsible for making food appear as perfect as possible for the photographers shooting it.
Exterior Design
Promotions & Events
The goal of a promotion is to communicate to consumers that they need this product and that it is priced appropriately. Promotion encompasses advertising, public relations, and the overall media strategy for introducing a product.
Exhibitions & Events
Events and exhibitions are a powerful marketing tool. They provide a platform to promote your product or service to a group that may have little or no knowledge of your services. They also offer an opportunity to meet existing and potential customers. Read on to discover further benefits of exhibitions.
Conference Themes
Typically, a business conference is a gathering of many people to meet and discuss a particular subject. While this may seem like a pretty straightforward concept, a business conference can be many different things depending on the context. There are various types of conferences and reasons for hosting.
Themes, Multimedia Content and Presenttations.
Outdoor Media
Businesses use outdoor advertising to reach potential customers who are out and about in specific geographic locations. Outdoor advertising can use tools like Billboards, Restaurant ads, or Transit. Outdoor advertising is a marketing strategy distinct from typical ads as it targets people outside their homes.
Point of Sale Marketing
POS marketing is a type of in-store promotion that happens at the point where a transaction occurs to help increase sales. This type of marketing uses things like branded display stands, floor stickers, and shelf signs that feature the products you are promoting.
World Wide Design
Social Media Strategy
A social media strategy is an outline of the content that your business will post, the responsibilities of your social media team, and the social media channels you will use to promote your business. A social media strategy includes social media goals that complement your business’ overall digital marketing strategy.
Website Design
An effective website design should fulfil its intended function by conveying its particular message whilst simultaneously engaging the visitor. Several factors such as consistency, colours, typography, imagery, simplicity, and functionality contribute to good website design.
The principles of an excellent presentation includes contrast, repetition, balance, and alignment, emphasis, movement, white space, proportion, hierarchy, variety, pattern, rhythm, and unity.
Videos & Multimedia
Multimedia (MM) refers to applications and technologies that manipulate text, data, images, sound and full-motion-video objects. Given the usage of multiple formats, multimedia is capable of delivering a stronger and more engaging message than standard text.
May also include whiteboard animations: Whiteboard animation is a video style that shows the viewer static images being drawn on the screen. Typically the illustrations are accompanied by a narration that walks the audience through the story that is being told within the drawing. These animations are simple, yet undoubtedly engaging.
Online Flip PDF's
Flipbooks are currently used to replace conventional digital PDFs and paper-based documents such as reports, presentations, magazines, catalogs, brochures, books and more. A digital flipbook looks and feels exactly like a printed publication with pages that can be flipped and turned – without the cost of printing!

A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. It may be of an abstract or figurative design or include the text of the name it represents as in a wordmark.
A logo can and should be more than a symbol of identification.
If designed well, it also tells a company’s story, by conveying your brand message in a way that helps to establish an emotional connection with your target audience.
We invite you to chat to me about your logo.
Online Flip PDF’s
Communication today is digital, save on printing costs with online flip-through digital annual reports, catalogues & brochures. Here are some excellent examples of how awesome looking your marketing can look.
Click on image to view Flip PDF

Conference Multi-Media
Conference themes and multi-media – sign up now and jazz up your conferences today, and impress your both conference go-ers & colleagues!
Click on the image to view.
Medtronic National Sales Kick-off Meeting – The conference theme: Further Together. Walk-ons, Theme logo & stationery, RSVP website, full range outdoor media. (not for broadcast)
The Annual Massbuild Super Heroes Conference – Themed Intro Video, Walk-ons, Theme logo & stationery, RSVP website, full range outdoor media, standies of the super heroes. (not for broadcast)

Educational & Training
Educational videos are just that – explain how your product or system works via animation, video or both, with just a soundtrack or a voice-over – your choice, so let’s make your educational video sexy!
Click on image to view video.
RSVP Boutique – An animated advert for a digital RSVP response system. Adobe Flash Animation, scripted / story board with voice-over – final mix down done all in-house.
MassBuild Sustainability – Scripted / story board with in-store shoot and final offline edit. Not for broadcast.

Finally what everyone else is doing are website – and yes I design them as well, of course with a lot more panaché and passion! RatGraphics can also assist with domains and hosting – just inbox me anytime!
Click on the image to view the website.
Design Services
Design runs over multiple platforms today – for me it remains however all about ‘passion and dedication’ to our clients, i.e. I LOVE what I do, so here are some of the design categories I cater for:
Industrial & Commercial Advertising • Social Media (full) • Corporate ID’s & CI’s • Annual Reports • Packaging • Brochures • Catalogues • Vehicle Wraps • Exhibitions • Promotions • Websites • Conferences & Events • Multimedia Presentations • Educational Videos • Video Editing • Outdoor Media Whiteboard Animations • Food Styling & Photography • Government Tender Compilations
If it is not here – send us an email below